Heavy Metal Summer Experience

More than 120 students participated in the 2022 Heavy Metal Summer Experience (HMSE) hosted by four of our local contractor members: Western Allied Mechanical, ACCO, Silicon Valley Mechanical and Peterson Mechanical.
Last year, Angie Simon of Western Allied Mechanical, along with Hermanson Company from Washington, piloted this six-week program with the intention of expanding it across the country. This year, the program expanded into five states with the hope that more will join next year.
With the reduction of vocational training and emphasis on college for all high school students, exposure to career opportunities in construction is crucial to the growth of our industry. Highlighting the opportunities available in sheet metal and HVAC through the Heavy Metal Summer Experience introduces high school students and recent graduates (ages 15-19) to careers in the building trades. Not only are students learning through hands-on projects and working alongside craft professionals, they also learn about local apprenticeship training opportunities and how it’s an overlooked post-secondary education option. The program also hopes to create workforce diversity and entice the next generation of craft workers.
The HMSE is a 501(c)(3) incorporated company and is made possible by a dedicated group of working craft professionals, vendors who donate tools and PPE, and contractors across the country eager to open their shops and facilities to host a camp and introduce students to the building trades.
If your company is interested in becoming a future host contractor, email Angie Simon at angie.simon@hmse.org. You’ll receive a Hosting HMSE Playbook, graphics and she’ll help connect you with groups promoting workforce development in your area. Interested participants can also email Angie to be connected with upcoming camps in your area. Donations of work boots, PPE, tools, project materials, snacks and transportation are also appreciated and help make these programs a success.
3 big reasons students should explore a career in the trades
Through exposure to sheet metal, piping and plumbing trades, HMSE students will explore trades and become part of a team that builds community.
- Construction offers career opportunity throughout the nation. In 2020, it represented over $1.46 trillion.
- Paid living wages, excellent benefits, on-the-job training, career opportunities and no student debt burden are among the benefits of a career in the trades.
- Gender pay gap in construction is one of the lowest of all industries, where women earn 99.1% of their male counterparts.